Welcome!!! I have decided to take a journey deep into my inner self to discover a deeper sense of peace and maybe even to get some of life's most puzzling questions answered. Feel free to join me on this journey and leave your thoughts...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Jilted Love

Jilted Love

A poem. 

I am a jilted lover
and a slave to my emotions.

Emotions, swirling around
like a never-ending storm cycle, 
engulf me.  

Me, afraid to move.
They keep swirling. 

I am a prisoner of my emotions,
afraid to feel,
some days, trapped
in a silent secluded cave.  

Afraid to be.
Afraid to love effortlessly
and abundantly.
Lowered eyes.

My emotions whisper, “Deal with it.”
And it hurts,
as all hope fades away and dies.



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