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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Is it natural? ...Women vs. Women, Competitive Relationships

Is it natural? ...Women vs. Women, Competitive Relationships

I had a daydream the other day that I was at a party and everyone in the room had a secret agenda. You can imagine it as one of those single, professional athlete’s parties where all the women there were plotting to stomp those other bitches and land the millionaire of their dreams. But nowadays just about EVERY party and club scene is like this.

I despise women who are overly-competitive. But I have to ask myself, is there a part of them in me? Hmmm… Being completely honest, I never start a fight but I will finish it!

Women of today seem to be competitive by nature, but from what I’ve read of earlier clans, women release the hormone oxytocin (not oxycontin) which helps them to make friends and bond with other women so that they all can feel safe and be protected from lions, tigers, and bears. Apparently for these early women there was strength in numbers.

I don’t know... I guess today, I would have to ask a playboy playmate their view of the situation. They are the only ones I know who are around a bunch of women all the time who share the same man and do it peacefully.

I guess it makes sense that to ensure the survival of the species and the well-being of offspring in today’s society, a woman's best option is to have a mate.

I wish we could go back to the old, old, days where women had stronger communal relationships, took care of each other, loved each other, and helped each other care for their offspring. In these communities, women would be happier with themselves and each other, never at odds with one another over a member of the male species or the perceived threat of members of the same sex.

One can only dream...

In today's reality women are to other women, highly complex versions of lions, tigers, and bears.

Maybe we’re all wrong...




Article on "man sharing" --> http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1077/is_6_56/ai_72502691/?tag=content%3Bcol1

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